Wedding Party

Victoria Hennarichs - Maid of Honor
Tori and I met when we tried out for the Outlaws in fifth grade. We played softball together in high school, and became good friends.

Kyra Calico - Bridesmaid
Kyra and I met when we played on the "Starbursts" together while we were both very young. We have endured much together.

Wylee Lutz - Bridesmaid
Wylee and I are sisters. Unsurprisingly, we couldn't stand each other growing up. She's cool now, I guess.

Otina Obet - Bridesmaid
Otina and I met in high school as we played for the softball team. We have become like family.

Tristan Noriega - Best Man
Tristan and I met in 8th grade when we had science together. We became good friends later sophomore year, where we had almost every class together.

Dylan Crawford - Groomsman
Dylan and I also met in 8th grade, but we only became friends during quarantine, while we played Valorant and BO3 most nights.

Joshua Watson - Groomsman
Josh and I became friends senior year, where we helped each other improve both band and choir. He is jealous that I chose Kynzee and not him.

Riley Hart - Groomsman
Riley and I became friends junior year and played lots of video games together. We go bowling now regularly.